05-15 12:24 PM
I am planning to apply for a Canada PR. Do you know any good agent ?
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08-14 03:53 PM
with this tension i m jusst going to end up with piles. then paskal will have to look at my piles :(
not that kind of a physician..not on your life pal :p
another thread, another poll. guys all this is already being discussed in so many threads...yes including the esteemed MR WILLIAMS.
there is a thread opening up for every mailroom chap in USCIS
Please stop this. it's not helping anybody. use the multitude of threads that exist and keep this stuff together. otherwise any info you hope to gather is going to be too fragmented anyway...
not that kind of a physician..not on your life pal :p
another thread, another poll. guys all this is already being discussed in so many threads...yes including the esteemed MR WILLIAMS.
there is a thread opening up for every mailroom chap in USCIS
Please stop this. it's not helping anybody. use the multitude of threads that exist and keep this stuff together. otherwise any info you hope to gather is going to be too fragmented anyway...
05-30 11:12 AM
I guess in that case there would be a conference between house and senate,and the conferees will be decided by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi,they would sort out the differences in the bill and then would send it back to house and senate for a vote.
2011 Free Spring Animal Desktop
04-23 03:26 PM
I respectfully disagree. As you all know, the USCIS (online and phone) system is completely different from Infopass. What appears on the former is usually inaccurate. I know this because both my wife and I have received our GC but our online I-140 is still pending.
I am adament about this because I moved in Jan 08 and submitted AR-11. In July 08, my wife online status shows that a RFE was sent. We waited anxiously for 2 months for this letter. Then we went to Infopass and found out that they still have the old address. By the way, my address was updated. Few days after Infopass, the letter finally came. It was enclosed in another envelope (because the orginal bounced and USCIS resent to new address).
I think everyone should use Infopass frequently. Use it to check if your name check and biometric are cleared. Asked if there's any flag. Where your case is physically and of course your current address. I go to the Boston office all the time and it is usually empty in the morning. Whether the Infopass office is packed or empty has nothing to do with when you'll get your GC; there's 6 counters and I doubt they'll increase it if there're more people.
I respectfully disagree. As you all know, the USCIS (online and phone) system is completely different from Infopass. What appears on the former is usually inaccurate. I know this because both my wife and I have received our GC but our online I-140 is still pending.
I am adament about this because I moved in Jan 08 and submitted AR-11. In July 08, my wife online status shows that a RFE was sent. We waited anxiously for 2 months for this letter. Then we went to Infopass and found out that they still have the old address. By the way, my address was updated. Few days after Infopass, the letter finally came. It was enclosed in another envelope (because the orginal bounced and USCIS resent to new address).
I think everyone should use Infopass frequently. Use it to check if your name check and biometric are cleared. Asked if there's any flag. Where your case is physically and of course your current address. I go to the Boston office all the time and it is usually empty in the morning. Whether the Infopass office is packed or empty has nothing to do with when you'll get your GC; there's 6 counters and I doubt they'll increase it if there're more people.
07-01 11:32 PM
yadadaba, i have posted my email in many places. If you want to get info, please email me directly in the future. I will share what I know - IV folks ridiculed me when I said my info from the Ombudsman's office was true. They simply don't want people who have a slightly variant info to raise a voice. I have not personally heard from the O's office on this as I sent my application out on Friday for a Monday delivery without any knowledge of such possibility. If it happens it will really stink...to those who call Ombudsman the barking dog - think before you say - he may have just saved us from loosing 40K visas. Possibly the dates were made current only to clear pre-adjudicated cases. And if thats true, guess what? A window will open again in October. Thats better than where we were without the O's report that may have not impacted anything and the 40K cases ahead of us would still be pending. Its in our greater interest that they get approved and we move up the ladder versus we trying to cry wolf. My 2 cents...
Something to ponder: "Gandhi's peace marches did not get Independence to India alone. They were radical movements of many people behind it equally responsible if not more. IVs movement is the peaceful one - important but not enough and definitely not filled with exclusivity"
Something to ponder: "Gandhi's peace marches did not get Independence to India alone. They were radical movements of many people behind it equally responsible if not more. IVs movement is the peaceful one - important but not enough and definitely not filled with exclusivity"
07-26 02:52 PM
Good that we see more proof of Apps received on Jun 29 getting receipted.
I am sure Aug 1st , NSC will become compaint to their receipting release and start receipting everyone who had applied till July 10th.
I am sure Aug 1st , NSC will become compaint to their receipting release and start receipting everyone who had applied till July 10th.
01-30 02:48 PM
Just a suggestion I think if we involve US India Polical Action Committee(USINPAC) may be our effort to reach the law maker will be easier.
Members of the U.S. Senate India Caucus are as follows -
Senator Cornyn (R - TX) � Republican Co-Chair
Senator Clinton (D - NY) � Democratic Co-Chair
Senator Hutchison (R - TX)
Senator Lott (R - MS)
Senator Lautenberg (D - NJ)
Senator Santorum (R - PA)
Senator Lieberman (D - CT)
Senator Specter (R - PA)
Senator Daschle (D - SD)
Senator Stabenow (D - MI)
Senator Bingaman (D - NM)
Senator Cochran (R - MS)
Senator Frist (R - TN)
Senator Corzine (D - NJ)
Senator L. Graham (R - SC)
Senator Schumer (D - NY)
Senator Wyden (D - OR)
Senator Coleman (R - MN)
Senator Chambliss (R - GA)
Senator Bayh (D - IN)
Senator Durbin (D - IL)
Senator Breaux (D - LA)
Senator Crapo (R - ID)
Senator Levin (D - MI)
Senator Fitzgerald (R - IL)
Senator Grassley (R - IA)
Senator Bennett (R - UT)
Senator Boxer (D - CA)
Senator Nickles (R - OK)
Senator Stevens (R - AK)
Senator Mikulski (D - MD)
Senator Rockefeller (D - WV)
Senator Landrieu (D - LA)
Senator Hatch (R - UT)
Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Members of Congressional India Caucus
108th Congress elected in November 2002
List updated as of June 18, 2004
112 Democrats, 74 Republicans, Total 186
Congressman Crowley (D-NY) - Democratic Co-Chair
Congressman Wilson, Joe (R-SC) - Republican Co-Chairman
Congressman Abercrombie (D- HI)
Congressman Ackerman (D-NY)
Congressman Andrews (D-NJ)
Congressman Baca (D- CA )
Congressman Baird (D- WA)
Congressman Barrett, J. Gresham (R-SC )
Congressman Beauprez (R-CO)
Congressman Becerra (D-CA)
Congressman Bell (D-TX)
Congresswoman Berkley (D-NV)
Congressman Berman (D-CA)
Congresswoman Biggert (R-IL)
Congressman Bilirakis (R-FL)
Congressman Bishop, Rob (R-UT)
Congressman Blumenauer ( D-OR)
Congressman Boucher (D-VA)
Congressman Brady, Kevin (R-TX)
Congresswoman Brown, Corrine (D-FL)
Congresswoman Brown, Henry (R-SC)
Congressman Brown, Sherrod (D-OH)
Congresswoman Brown-Waite, Ginny (R-FL)
Congressman Burgess (R-TX)
Congressman Burns (R-GA)
Congressman Calvert (R-CA)
Congressman Cannon (R-UT)
Congressman Cantor (R-VA)
Congresswoman Capps (D-CA)
Congressman Capuano (D-MA)
Congressman Cardoza (D-CA)
Congressman Carson, Brad (D-OK)
Congressman Chabot (R-OH)
Congressman Chandler (D- KY )
Congressman Cooper (D-TN)
Congressman Cox (R-CA)
Congresswoman Cubin (R-WY)
Congressman Davis, Danny (D-IL)
Congressman Davis, Jim (D-FL)
Congressman DeFazio (D-OR)
Congressman Delahunt (D-MA)
Congressman Deutsch (D-FL)
Congressman DeMint (R-SC)
Congressman Dicks (D-WA)
Congressman Doggett (D-TX)
Congressman Doyle (D-PA)
Congressman Duncan (D-TN)
Congresswoman Dunn (R-WA)
Congressman Ehlers (R- MI)
Congressman Engel (D-NY)
Congressman English (R- PA )
Congresswoman Eshoo (D-CA)
Congressman Evans (D-IL)
Congressman Faleomavaega (D-AS)
Congressman Feeney (R-FL)
Congressman Ferguson (R-NJ)
Congressman Filner (D-CA)
Congressman Foley (R-FL)
Congressman Forbes (R-VA)
Congressman Ford (D-TN)
Congressman Frank (D-MA)
Congressman Franks (R-AZ)
Congressman Frost (D-TX)
Congressman Garrett (R-NJ)
Congressman Gephardt (D-MO)
Congressman Gillmor (R-OH)
Congressman Gingrey (R-GA)
Congressman Goodlatte (R-VA)
Congressman Gordon (D-TN)
Congresswoman Granger (R-TX)
Congressman Green, Gene (D-TX)
Congressman Green, Mark (R-WI)
Congressman Greenwood (R-PA)
Congressman Gutierrez (D-IL)
Congressman Harris (R-FL)
Congressman Hastings (D-FL)
Congressman Hayworth (R-AZ)
Congressman Hensarling (R-TX)
Congressman Hoeffel (D-PA)
Congressman Holt (D-NJ)
Congresswoman Hooley (D-OR)
Congressman Honda (D-CA)
Congressman Hoyer (D-MD)
Congressman Inslee (D-WA)
Congressman Israel (D-NY)
Congresswoman Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
Congresswoman Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D-TX)
Congressman Jones (R-NC)
Congressman Kanjorski (D-PA)
Congresswoman Kaptur (D-OH)
Congresswoman Kelly (R-NY)
Congressman Kennedy, Patrick (D-RI)
Congressman Kildee (D-MI)
Congressman Kind (D-WI)
Congressman King, Peter (R-NY)
Congressman Kirk (R-IL)
Congressman Knollenberg (R-MI)
Congressman Kolbe (R-AZ)
Congressman Kucinich (D-OH)
Congressman LaHood (R-IL)
Congressman Lampson (D-TX)
Congressman Lantos (D-CA)
Congressman Larsen (D-WA)
Congressman LaTourette (R-OH)
Congresswoman Lee, Barbara (D-CA)
Congressman Levin (D-MI)
Congressman Lewis, Jerry (R-CA)
Congressman Lewis, John (D-GA)
Congressman Linder (R-GA)
Congressman Lobiondo (R-NJ)
Congressman Lofgren (D-CA)
Congresswoman Lowey (D-NY)
Congresswoman McCarthy, Carolyn (D-NY)
Congresswoman McCarthy, Karen (D-MO)
Congressman McCotter (R-MI)
Congressman McDermott (D-WA)
Congressman McIntyre (D-NC)
Congressman McNulty (D-NY)
Congressman Majette (D-GA)
Congresswoman Maloney (D-NY)
Congressman Manzullo (R-IL)
Congressman Matheson (D-UT)
Congressman Meehan (D-MA)
Congressman Meek (D-FL)
Congressman Meeks (D-NY)
Congressman Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
Congresswoman Millender-McDonald (D-CA)
Congressman Miller, Brad (D-NC)
Congressman Miller, Gary (R-CA)
Congresswoman Miller, Jeff (R-FL)
Congressman Mollohan (D-WV)
Congressman Moran, Jim (D-VA)
Congresswoman Myrick (R-NC)
Congresswoman Napolitano (D-CA)
Congressman Neal (D-MA)
Congressman Ney (R-OH)
Congressman Pallone (D-NJ)
Congressman Payne (D-NJ)
Congressman Pearce (R-NM)
Congressman Pickering (R-MS)
Congressman Pitts (R-PA)
Congressman Price (D-NC)
Congresswoman Pryce (R-OH)
Congressman Putnam (R-FL)
Congressman Radanovich (R-CA)
Congressman Rahall (D-WV)
Congressman Rangel (D-NY)
Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL)
Congressman Rothman (D-NJ)
Congressman Royce (R-CA)
Congressman Ryan, Tim (D-OH)
Congresswoman Sanchez, Linda (D-CA)
Congresswoman Sanchez, Loretta (D-CA)
Congressman Saxton (R-NJ)
Congresswoman Schakowsky (D-IL)
Congressman Schiff (D-CA)
Congressman Scott, Robert (D-VA)
Congressman Schrock (R-VA)
Congressmen Sessions (R-TX)
Congressman Sherman (D-CA)
Congressman Smith, Adam (D-WA)
Congresswoman Solis (D-CA)
Congressman Souder (R-IN)
Congressman Spratt (D-SC)
Congressman Stark (D-CA)
Congressman Stearns (R-FL)
Congressman Thompson, Mike (D-CA)
Congressman Tierney (D-MA)
Congressman Toomey (R-PA)
Congressman Towns (D-NY)
Congressman Turner, Michael (R-OH)
Congressman Udall, Mark (D-CO)
Congressman Udall, Tom (D-NM)
Congressman Upton (R-MI)
Congressman Van Hollen (D-MD)
Congressman Visclosky (D-IN)
Congressman Vitter (R-LA)
Congressman Walsh (R-NY)
Congresswoman Watson (D-CA)
Congressman Watt (D-NC)
Congressman Weiner (D-NY)
Congressman Weldon, Dave (R-FL)
Congressman Wexler (D-FL)
Congressman Whitfield (R-KY)
Congressman Wu (D-OR)
Members of the U.S. Senate India Caucus are as follows -
Senator Cornyn (R - TX) � Republican Co-Chair
Senator Clinton (D - NY) � Democratic Co-Chair
Senator Hutchison (R - TX)
Senator Lott (R - MS)
Senator Lautenberg (D - NJ)
Senator Santorum (R - PA)
Senator Lieberman (D - CT)
Senator Specter (R - PA)
Senator Daschle (D - SD)
Senator Stabenow (D - MI)
Senator Bingaman (D - NM)
Senator Cochran (R - MS)
Senator Frist (R - TN)
Senator Corzine (D - NJ)
Senator L. Graham (R - SC)
Senator Schumer (D - NY)
Senator Wyden (D - OR)
Senator Coleman (R - MN)
Senator Chambliss (R - GA)
Senator Bayh (D - IN)
Senator Durbin (D - IL)
Senator Breaux (D - LA)
Senator Crapo (R - ID)
Senator Levin (D - MI)
Senator Fitzgerald (R - IL)
Senator Grassley (R - IA)
Senator Bennett (R - UT)
Senator Boxer (D - CA)
Senator Nickles (R - OK)
Senator Stevens (R - AK)
Senator Mikulski (D - MD)
Senator Rockefeller (D - WV)
Senator Landrieu (D - LA)
Senator Hatch (R - UT)
Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Members of Congressional India Caucus
108th Congress elected in November 2002
List updated as of June 18, 2004
112 Democrats, 74 Republicans, Total 186
Congressman Crowley (D-NY) - Democratic Co-Chair
Congressman Wilson, Joe (R-SC) - Republican Co-Chairman
Congressman Abercrombie (D- HI)
Congressman Ackerman (D-NY)
Congressman Andrews (D-NJ)
Congressman Baca (D- CA )
Congressman Baird (D- WA)
Congressman Barrett, J. Gresham (R-SC )
Congressman Beauprez (R-CO)
Congressman Becerra (D-CA)
Congressman Bell (D-TX)
Congresswoman Berkley (D-NV)
Congressman Berman (D-CA)
Congresswoman Biggert (R-IL)
Congressman Bilirakis (R-FL)
Congressman Bishop, Rob (R-UT)
Congressman Blumenauer ( D-OR)
Congressman Boucher (D-VA)
Congressman Brady, Kevin (R-TX)
Congresswoman Brown, Corrine (D-FL)
Congresswoman Brown, Henry (R-SC)
Congressman Brown, Sherrod (D-OH)
Congresswoman Brown-Waite, Ginny (R-FL)
Congressman Burgess (R-TX)
Congressman Burns (R-GA)
Congressman Calvert (R-CA)
Congressman Cannon (R-UT)
Congressman Cantor (R-VA)
Congresswoman Capps (D-CA)
Congressman Capuano (D-MA)
Congressman Cardoza (D-CA)
Congressman Carson, Brad (D-OK)
Congressman Chabot (R-OH)
Congressman Chandler (D- KY )
Congressman Cooper (D-TN)
Congressman Cox (R-CA)
Congresswoman Cubin (R-WY)
Congressman Davis, Danny (D-IL)
Congressman Davis, Jim (D-FL)
Congressman DeFazio (D-OR)
Congressman Delahunt (D-MA)
Congressman Deutsch (D-FL)
Congressman DeMint (R-SC)
Congressman Dicks (D-WA)
Congressman Doggett (D-TX)
Congressman Doyle (D-PA)
Congressman Duncan (D-TN)
Congresswoman Dunn (R-WA)
Congressman Ehlers (R- MI)
Congressman Engel (D-NY)
Congressman English (R- PA )
Congresswoman Eshoo (D-CA)
Congressman Evans (D-IL)
Congressman Faleomavaega (D-AS)
Congressman Feeney (R-FL)
Congressman Ferguson (R-NJ)
Congressman Filner (D-CA)
Congressman Foley (R-FL)
Congressman Forbes (R-VA)
Congressman Ford (D-TN)
Congressman Frank (D-MA)
Congressman Franks (R-AZ)
Congressman Frost (D-TX)
Congressman Garrett (R-NJ)
Congressman Gephardt (D-MO)
Congressman Gillmor (R-OH)
Congressman Gingrey (R-GA)
Congressman Goodlatte (R-VA)
Congressman Gordon (D-TN)
Congresswoman Granger (R-TX)
Congressman Green, Gene (D-TX)
Congressman Green, Mark (R-WI)
Congressman Greenwood (R-PA)
Congressman Gutierrez (D-IL)
Congressman Harris (R-FL)
Congressman Hastings (D-FL)
Congressman Hayworth (R-AZ)
Congressman Hensarling (R-TX)
Congressman Hoeffel (D-PA)
Congressman Holt (D-NJ)
Congresswoman Hooley (D-OR)
Congressman Honda (D-CA)
Congressman Hoyer (D-MD)
Congressman Inslee (D-WA)
Congressman Israel (D-NY)
Congresswoman Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
Congresswoman Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D-TX)
Congressman Jones (R-NC)
Congressman Kanjorski (D-PA)
Congresswoman Kaptur (D-OH)
Congresswoman Kelly (R-NY)
Congressman Kennedy, Patrick (D-RI)
Congressman Kildee (D-MI)
Congressman Kind (D-WI)
Congressman King, Peter (R-NY)
Congressman Kirk (R-IL)
Congressman Knollenberg (R-MI)
Congressman Kolbe (R-AZ)
Congressman Kucinich (D-OH)
Congressman LaHood (R-IL)
Congressman Lampson (D-TX)
Congressman Lantos (D-CA)
Congressman Larsen (D-WA)
Congressman LaTourette (R-OH)
Congresswoman Lee, Barbara (D-CA)
Congressman Levin (D-MI)
Congressman Lewis, Jerry (R-CA)
Congressman Lewis, John (D-GA)
Congressman Linder (R-GA)
Congressman Lobiondo (R-NJ)
Congressman Lofgren (D-CA)
Congresswoman Lowey (D-NY)
Congresswoman McCarthy, Carolyn (D-NY)
Congresswoman McCarthy, Karen (D-MO)
Congressman McCotter (R-MI)
Congressman McDermott (D-WA)
Congressman McIntyre (D-NC)
Congressman McNulty (D-NY)
Congressman Majette (D-GA)
Congresswoman Maloney (D-NY)
Congressman Manzullo (R-IL)
Congressman Matheson (D-UT)
Congressman Meehan (D-MA)
Congressman Meek (D-FL)
Congressman Meeks (D-NY)
Congressman Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
Congresswoman Millender-McDonald (D-CA)
Congressman Miller, Brad (D-NC)
Congressman Miller, Gary (R-CA)
Congresswoman Miller, Jeff (R-FL)
Congressman Mollohan (D-WV)
Congressman Moran, Jim (D-VA)
Congresswoman Myrick (R-NC)
Congresswoman Napolitano (D-CA)
Congressman Neal (D-MA)
Congressman Ney (R-OH)
Congressman Pallone (D-NJ)
Congressman Payne (D-NJ)
Congressman Pearce (R-NM)
Congressman Pickering (R-MS)
Congressman Pitts (R-PA)
Congressman Price (D-NC)
Congresswoman Pryce (R-OH)
Congressman Putnam (R-FL)
Congressman Radanovich (R-CA)
Congressman Rahall (D-WV)
Congressman Rangel (D-NY)
Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL)
Congressman Rothman (D-NJ)
Congressman Royce (R-CA)
Congressman Ryan, Tim (D-OH)
Congresswoman Sanchez, Linda (D-CA)
Congresswoman Sanchez, Loretta (D-CA)
Congressman Saxton (R-NJ)
Congresswoman Schakowsky (D-IL)
Congressman Schiff (D-CA)
Congressman Scott, Robert (D-VA)
Congressman Schrock (R-VA)
Congressmen Sessions (R-TX)
Congressman Sherman (D-CA)
Congressman Smith, Adam (D-WA)
Congresswoman Solis (D-CA)
Congressman Souder (R-IN)
Congressman Spratt (D-SC)
Congressman Stark (D-CA)
Congressman Stearns (R-FL)
Congressman Thompson, Mike (D-CA)
Congressman Tierney (D-MA)
Congressman Toomey (R-PA)
Congressman Towns (D-NY)
Congressman Turner, Michael (R-OH)
Congressman Udall, Mark (D-CO)
Congressman Udall, Tom (D-NM)
Congressman Upton (R-MI)
Congressman Van Hollen (D-MD)
Congressman Visclosky (D-IN)
Congressman Vitter (R-LA)
Congressman Walsh (R-NY)
Congresswoman Watson (D-CA)
Congressman Watt (D-NC)
Congressman Weiner (D-NY)
Congressman Weldon, Dave (R-FL)
Congressman Wexler (D-FL)
Congressman Whitfield (R-KY)
Congressman Wu (D-OR)
2010 wallpaper of a white and
11-15 01:55 PM
I am a teacher on H1B. I am here with a company GTRR. If you are a math, science or special education teacher you can get job easily. The company site is gtrr.net.
I am a teacher on H1B. I am here with a company GTRR. If you are a math, science or special education teacher you can get job easily. The company site is gtrr.net.
05-05 11:27 AM
Here is my story, Immigration experts are requested to suggest.......
What should I do now ? Will this H1 extension rejection become an
obstable in getting I-485 approved ? Will there be any problem in getting
third extension of EAD if I-485 is still pending ?
Should I appeal this case by submitting all the end client contracts ? But I have
used EAD ...........I have good relation with Employer A and am assuming he will
not revoke my I-140.
Experts please suggest........
EAD extension is solely based on Pending 485, so you should'nt have any problem.
Since you started working on EAD invoking AC21 i don't think you are on H1 status anymore.
Again i can be wrong. Please take an expert attorney's advise.
What should I do now ? Will this H1 extension rejection become an
obstable in getting I-485 approved ? Will there be any problem in getting
third extension of EAD if I-485 is still pending ?
Should I appeal this case by submitting all the end client contracts ? But I have
used EAD ...........I have good relation with Employer A and am assuming he will
not revoke my I-140.
Experts please suggest........
EAD extension is solely based on Pending 485, so you should'nt have any problem.
Since you started working on EAD invoking AC21 i don't think you are on H1 status anymore.
Again i can be wrong. Please take an expert attorney's advise.
hair find free wallpaper,spring
May 25th, 2005, 02:37 AM
So here are three more from the same "session" last evening which do include some foreground framing/interest. (slight adjustments on these to levels, color, etc. no cropping though)
03-18 04:10 PM
Welcome to IV. Wish I could help you but I don't have a clue about marriage based GC applications. Infact majority of the people here are on the Employment Based GC path but I hope someone can show you the path.
In the meantime also try these forums.
They have a more diverse (Both EB and other GC applicants) mix of people in those forums. Hope that helps.
Best of luck and congratulations !!!:cool:
I'm a US-born citizen and my dear friend (now my wife) came to US from Thailand on R1/R2 Multiple Entry Visitor Visa for pleasure and to travel around with me to see the US. Though not intending to, we ultimately married while she was here on her visitor visa. See chronology below. We need to file the right forms. Please help me as this is a daunting task. If I can get some questions answered, then it will clear the clouded skies!
We both will be in the US during this process.
Me > :confused:
My Wife > :(
Here is our current situation:
1. I've been back and forth to Thailand for better part of three years for tsunami relief.
2. Met my wife doing relief work.
3. She applied for visitor visa at US Embassy in Bangkok March 2007.
4. Came first time to US May 2007
5. Married in California in July 2007 (had not intended to, but we fell in love!)
6. Returned to Thailand Sept 2007
7. Returned to US (together) Dec 2007 and are here now (March 2008)
8. Have filled out forms:
I-130 Petition for Alien Relative
I-485 Permanent Res/Adjust Status
I-325A Bio for each of us
I-134 Affidavit of Support
I-765 Employment Authorization Note: is eligibility req (c)(9) correct on line 16?
I feel there are no unusual circumstances about us. We are just normal people and don't fall under any asylum, Cuban or otherwise situations. I need to know about filing what forms and which ones together. Also, which ones will require certain documentation and when should they be included. We will likely file the 130/485/325/765 concurrently. What else should we file and what do I not need to file that I've listed?
Please get me going on this and then I can stop pulling my hair out.
I discoverd this forum today and am so happy I've found it! :D
In the meantime also try these forums.
They have a more diverse (Both EB and other GC applicants) mix of people in those forums. Hope that helps.
Best of luck and congratulations !!!:cool:
I'm a US-born citizen and my dear friend (now my wife) came to US from Thailand on R1/R2 Multiple Entry Visitor Visa for pleasure and to travel around with me to see the US. Though not intending to, we ultimately married while she was here on her visitor visa. See chronology below. We need to file the right forms. Please help me as this is a daunting task. If I can get some questions answered, then it will clear the clouded skies!
We both will be in the US during this process.
Me > :confused:
My Wife > :(
Here is our current situation:
1. I've been back and forth to Thailand for better part of three years for tsunami relief.
2. Met my wife doing relief work.
3. She applied for visitor visa at US Embassy in Bangkok March 2007.
4. Came first time to US May 2007
5. Married in California in July 2007 (had not intended to, but we fell in love!)
6. Returned to Thailand Sept 2007
7. Returned to US (together) Dec 2007 and are here now (March 2008)
8. Have filled out forms:
I-130 Petition for Alien Relative
I-485 Permanent Res/Adjust Status
I-325A Bio for each of us
I-134 Affidavit of Support
I-765 Employment Authorization Note: is eligibility req (c)(9) correct on line 16?
I feel there are no unusual circumstances about us. We are just normal people and don't fall under any asylum, Cuban or otherwise situations. I need to know about filing what forms and which ones together. Also, which ones will require certain documentation and when should they be included. We will likely file the 130/485/325/765 concurrently. What else should we file and what do I not need to file that I've listed?
Please get me going on this and then I can stop pulling my hair out.
I discoverd this forum today and am so happy I've found it! :D
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07-24 01:22 PM
I just applied I-485 with EAD/AP on July 2nd. my wife also has H1. I am the primary to 485.
My wife wants to go for permanent position on EAD. When she will eligible for permanent position? After 180 days or can before?
Please seniors advice on this. because she is going to get contract-to-hire position.
My wife wants to go for permanent position on EAD. When she will eligible for permanent position? After 180 days or can before?
Please seniors advice on this. because she is going to get contract-to-hire position.
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04-01 12:20 PM
Hi All,
My Wife�s I-94 expired on Jan 15, 2010 and I did not know that I had to apply for her H4 extension while applying for my H1B extension under regular processing on March 1, 2010.My employer also forgot to apply for H4 extension. Now that, it�s been more than 2 months with the I-94 expired, Can you please let me know what options I have to resolve this issue?
1.Can I upgrade my H1 Processing to Premium and add the H4 processing to it, so that both H1 and H4 are processed simultaneously?
2.If adding H4 while upgrading H1 to premium is not possible, Should I just upgrade my H1 to Premium so that I can know the results soon and have ample time (before the 180 days grace period) to apply for H4 extension(I-539).Is it true that H1B premium approval is risky compared to regular processing ?
3.Is it safe to go back to India within 180 days (after I-94 expiration) and get H4 stamping in her home country once I get my H1 Extension?
4.Should I just leave my H1B in regular processing and attach the H4 extension (I-539) to it? If attaching H4 is not possible, Can I file H4 separately and get it approved before 180 days expiration?
5.Once her H4 extension is approved, can she get her H4 VISA re-validated in US? Can she apply under �Nunc-pro-tunc� Category?
6.Does she have an option to attend H4 visa interview in Canada or Mexico as her Visa and I-94 are expired? If yes, is this better option than going to India?
Please reply.
Thanks in advance
My Wife�s I-94 expired on Jan 15, 2010 and I did not know that I had to apply for her H4 extension while applying for my H1B extension under regular processing on March 1, 2010.My employer also forgot to apply for H4 extension. Now that, it�s been more than 2 months with the I-94 expired, Can you please let me know what options I have to resolve this issue?
1.Can I upgrade my H1 Processing to Premium and add the H4 processing to it, so that both H1 and H4 are processed simultaneously?
2.If adding H4 while upgrading H1 to premium is not possible, Should I just upgrade my H1 to Premium so that I can know the results soon and have ample time (before the 180 days grace period) to apply for H4 extension(I-539).Is it true that H1B premium approval is risky compared to regular processing ?
3.Is it safe to go back to India within 180 days (after I-94 expiration) and get H4 stamping in her home country once I get my H1 Extension?
4.Should I just leave my H1B in regular processing and attach the H4 extension (I-539) to it? If attaching H4 is not possible, Can I file H4 separately and get it approved before 180 days expiration?
5.Once her H4 extension is approved, can she get her H4 VISA re-validated in US? Can she apply under �Nunc-pro-tunc� Category?
6.Does she have an option to attend H4 visa interview in Canada or Mexico as her Visa and I-94 are expired? If yes, is this better option than going to India?
Please reply.
Thanks in advance
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06-11 12:02 PM
Asked Core Iv A Question And They Deleted The Thread
I asked IV core on what version of immigration bill they support because I and other people wanted to know since there are so many amendments to the current immigration bill and Now I log in to see , the thread is missing, why, my question was straight forward, again I am asking them on what form of immigration bill they support. I highly doubt In what they are doing looks like they are working for the benefit of them self. Guys please don�t be ignorant and its your right to ask the question don�t be a dumb crowd but ask questions.
I am too in the same GC queue with I140 and I485 filed and pending, so don�t count me as anti � immigrant but also want to see the betterment of others too who are in GC process and will be effected due to the introduction of the new bill.
I searched but could not find it. why.
I asked IV core on what version of immigration bill they support because I and other people wanted to know since there are so many amendments to the current immigration bill and Now I log in to see , the thread is missing, why, my question was straight forward, again I am asking them on what form of immigration bill they support. I highly doubt In what they are doing looks like they are working for the benefit of them self. Guys please don�t be ignorant and its your right to ask the question don�t be a dumb crowd but ask questions.
I am too in the same GC queue with I140 and I485 filed and pending, so don�t count me as anti � immigrant but also want to see the betterment of others too who are in GC process and will be effected due to the introduction of the new bill.
I searched but could not find it. why.
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09-15 05:34 PM
Thank you for the reply.
I did my Master's here.
And I will also make sure to check if we need a BS or MS for my Job. I sure applied for my job on my Master's basis.
I did my Master's here.
And I will also make sure to check if we need a BS or MS for my Job. I sure applied for my job on my Master's basis.
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07-20 02:17 AM
Since we had filed 140 recently. we got e-approval with notice saying actual notice will follow in mail.
Has anyone ever filed with e-approval email printout as initial evidence ?
All that you need is 140 recepit notice to file for 485 if you do not have the approval notice. e-notice should be fine.Please talk to your attorney.
Has anyone ever filed with e-approval email printout as initial evidence ?
All that you need is 140 recepit notice to file for 485 if you do not have the approval notice. e-notice should be fine.Please talk to your attorney.
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06-19 10:06 AM
You will get your H1B extended pending appeal on PERM.
Thank you! So technically, there is nothing for me to worry at this time? Is this correct? I know I am losing time but my priority is not current...
Thank you! So technically, there is nothing for me to worry at this time? Is this correct? I know I am losing time but my priority is not current...
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09-05 12:48 PM
I called USCIS, (BTW Divakar: the phone menu options you specified was very useful), the Customer Rep. gave the Rec # for my EAD and AP, and she told me that it would take upto 90 days to get the Receipt Notice. I asked them about I-485, the customer rep. said that the data entry for my I-485 may not have completed, as my I485 info was not on the computer, so she asked me call after 90 days.
March 3rd, 2004, 06:07 PM
This is a fine image... Love the grainy B&W look... gives it age...
11-03 01:24 PM
Thanks what dox did u send ?
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